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High School
- Douglasville, GA
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Class 1968 Basketball
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Class 1968 Football
Class 1968 Photos
Class 1968 Reunions
Betty Adkins
Michael Agan
Charles Anderson
William Andrew "Bill" An…
Douglas Arnold
Leonard Arnold
Jim Atwood
Danny Baker
Mary Lou Baker (Mann)
Margaret Baldwin
Wanda Barlow (Darrah)
Johnny Thomas Barrett
Becky Bartlett (Marlow)
Mike Barton
Diane Bell (Sakacs)
Gwendell Bell (Chadwick)
Ena Bennett (Smith)
Jerry Bickerstaff
Claudia Bishop
Nancy Blackstock (Eckel)
Stanley Bohannon
Annette Bomar (Hopgood)
Marjorie Bonner
Letitia Boring (Swearengin)
J. L. Bowen
Janie Bowens (Billingsley)
Jean Bowling
Michael Boyd
David Brawner
Howard Britt
Frances "Kay" Brittain (Dison)
Thomas Broughton
Dianne Brown (Moerman)
Phil Brown
Ruth Ann Brown
Sheila Brown (Williams)
Marsha Brumbelow (Hansen)
Cathe Buley
Roy Burton
Joyce Caldwell
Anne Camp
Charles 'Royce' Camp
Donald Camp
Karen Campbell
Danny Cantrell
Vickie Cantrell
William C. Cape
Jerry Allen Cargle
Diane Carr (Zeiters)
Glenda "Gail" Carroll (Weaver)
Youlanda Carter (Kraemer)
Mike Chapman
Myra Cloer (Heath)
Patsy Collett (King)
Amanda Compton (Kirk)
Huey Conner
Ralph Couch
Tony Couch
Matthew Clough 'Matt' Crews
Randy Crofts
Walter Crofts
Margaret Crutchfield
Joe Daniel
Linda Daniel (Ballew)
Judy Daniell
Patricia Daniell (Marable)
Richard Marion Daniell
Mozell Danley
John Davis
Larry Davison
Donald DeFoor
Jimmy Dempsey
Michael Andrew "Mike…
Charles Dobbs
Mark Duckett
Charlotte Dukes
Howard Eason
Judy Eason (Florence)
Charles Endsley
Helen Entrekin (Hand)
Don Estes
Remona Etterson
Floye Ann Farr (Reed)
Teresa Fields (Kelley)
Suzanne Foreman (Williams)
John Forrester
Bill Fowler
Dianne Franklin
Robert Lowell 'Bobby' Frith
Chiba Fuller (Terrell)
Lee Fuller
Gerald Bruce Garrison
Rhonda Kay George (Reece)
Gayle Gilman
Nancy Carol Gilstrap (Stri…)
Paul Goolsby
John Lee "John L" Gore
Don Gray
Marilyn Green
Danny Grimes
James David 'Skipper' Ha…
James Hamrick
Shirley Hansard (Akers)
Gene Harper
Tony Harper
Willie Harper
Raymond George Hart
John Wesley Hayes
Jeannine Haynes (Pooley)
Leonard Haynes
Donna Helton (Cargle)
Pam Henley
Jack Henslee
Virginia Hindsman (Pearson)
Mary Holcomb (Laughman)
Raymond Daniel Holland
Hugh Hollis
Wanda Hollis (Carlton)
Dennis House
Harold House
Marvin House
Harold Howton
Peggy Lynn Hudson (Cook)
Norma Jean Hunter
Nancy Carol Jackson (Crawford)
Redonia Jenkins
JoAnn "Joey" Jordan (Bragg)
Sallie Jordan
Mary Karst (Thornton)
Maxine Kendrick
Allen Kilgore
Betty Jean Kirby (Witt)
Audrey Kite (Rogers)
Robert Lewis "Bobby" Klock
Charles Nicholas Koutlas
Dorsey Winston Lambert
Ed Landers
Nancy Langley (McElroy)
Steve Lawler
Jana Lawrence
Joan Lee
Raymond Clyde Lee
Rosa Lindley
Amanda Little (Kato)
Rex Little
Wanda Loggins (Knight)
Horace B. Lovelace
Johnny Lowery
Barry Lunsford
Sandra Martin (Hunter)
Carolyn Mauss (Camp)
Ronald 'Ron' Maynard
Cyndee McCoy (Keiser)
Norman Keith 'Pete' McCrary
Charles Steven 'Stev…
Danny McIntosh
Jimmy McKown
Charles 'Michael' McLarty
Louise McLarty (Cooper)
Patricia McLarty (Hansard)
Russell Hamilton 'Rusty'…
Tommy McLarty
Karen Celeste Minter
JoAnne Mistakovich (Cross)
Charles Stephen 'Steve' …
Sherry Moore (Fleming)
Charles Morris
Charles Anthony 'Ton…
Elisea Morris (Railey-Watkins)
Judy Ann Morris (Little)
Linda Jane Morris (Wix)
Phyllis Carol 'Sunny' Morris (York)
Sandra Morris (Campbell)
Belinda 'Gail' Moss (Rober…)
Leon Moss
Teresa Motes (Moss)
Joan New (Reece)
Sandra New (Lester)
Alice Newman
John Thomas "Johnny" Ogl…
Rodney Otwell
George Cleveland Page, Jr.
Cynthia Paige (Tidwell)
Dianne Parr (Wilson)
Jimmy 'Lamar' Parson
Marshell Parson
Barry Payne
Rita Payne (Thompson)
Barbara Petitt (Euton)
Mike Pitts
Cherril Pope (Campbell)
Larry C. Post
Barbara Jean Price (Fuquea)
Marlin Price
Rita Pritchard (McDuffie)
Randy Railey
Dennis Clay Reece
Dennis Reed
Fonda Reid (Haynes)
Jackie Reid
Randy Reynolds
Arthur Cleveland Rice
Barbara Robinson
Selester Robinson
Robert 'Bobby' Ross
Jerry Savage
Carole Saxon (Robinson)
Charles Scales
David Arthur Sewell
Faye Lynn Shead (Pope)
Judy Shirley (Glover)
Jane Simpkins (Mayfield Clarke)
Gary Singleton
Becky Sligh (Taylor)
Charles Smith
Cynthia Smith (Springer)
Gwendolyn Smith
Janice Smith (Martin)
Cheryl Ilene Sparks
Collis Spivey
William Chester 'Bil…
Elaine Sticher (Davis)
Katherine Strickland (Sticher)
Kitty Strickland (Hunter)
Randy Strickland
Charlie L. Styles, Jr.
Lillian Sudduth
Elaine Sullivan
Danny Swofford
Marcia Terry
Theresa Terry
Richard 'Ricky' Thigpen
Shirley Thomas
Bill Thompson
Tommy Thompson
Steve Tidwell
Teresa Todd
Jerry Tucker
Laurie Tyree
Dan Tyson
Lynn Tyson (Garnto)
Sallie Vaughan (Winslow)
Betty Veitch (Hamm)
Cristal Vick (Stancil)
Tony Vickery
Michael Eugene "Mike…
Kathy Ward
Billy Washington
Linda Webb (Womack)
Billy Wester
Deborah White (Gramling)
Larry White
Vicki Elaine Whiteside (Hi…)
Betty Wiggles
Jerry Neal Wilkins
Charles Samuel 'Samm…
Danny 'Leggs' Forres…
Nancy Williams (Walls)
Randy Williams
Sharon Williams
Levi Wilson
Connie Wix (Meredith)
Phil Wood
Billy Worsham
Angela "Angie" Wynn (Gaddis)
William Zachery
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