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- Douglasville, GA
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Class 1956 Docohan
Class 1956 Photos
Class 1956 Reunions
Bettye Jo Abercrombie (Fer…)
Robert Eugene "Bobby" Al…
Woodrow Anderson
James Leonard Austin
William Terrell 'Ter…
James S. Ball
Charlotte Eugenia Bearden (Cramer)
Robert N. Bearden
William P. Belcher
Reuben Ray Boyd
Ernestine Ann Brittain
Mary 'Madeline' Brown (Bramblett)
Sylvia Brown (Vick)
Hal Eugene Burnett
Charles Camp
Kenneth 'Max' Camp
Nancy Camp (Newman)
Sandra Cochran (McKown)
Richard Horace Cohran
Earl M. Cole
Virginia Carol Coleman (Tr…)
Rupert Couch
Joyce Ann Craft (Sasser)
James 'Paul' Cranmer
Martha 'Jane' Daniell (Yancey)
Vivian Ann Daniell (Anders)
Nancy Lee DeBruhl (Wright)
Patricia 'Pat' Kathleen Dodson
Betty Fields (Ward/Cooper/…)
Martha Lynn Flowers (Lee)
Orrie Pearson Flynt, Jr.
Wilma A. Ford (Clark)
Nettie 'Maebelle' Fouts (H…)
David Allen Frise
Clara 'Joyce' Fuller (McBride)
Dr. Ronald Selman Gable
Sarah Etta Gamel (Belflower)
Gloria Fairfax Gilbert
Harry Godfrey
Clyde Goolsby
Joe Edward Gordon
George Joseph Grantham
Mary Sue Grantham (Hudson)
Jo Ann Greene (Fowler)
LeRoy "Buddy" Harper
Virginia Elizabeth Hasty
Donald Earl Hendrix
Mack Edward Henley
Patricia 'Patsy' Ruth He…
Dorothy Higginbotham (Holb…)
Richard Earl Holloway
Judith 'Judy' Ann House (Thompson)
Jimmy Lee Howell
Patricia 'Patty' Ann Hyatt (Howell)
Judy Jackson (Walker)
Robert 'Bob' James
Mary Grace Jinks
Nina 'Sue' Johns (Bearden)
Elizabeth Ann Johnson (Walraven)
Jo Anne Johnson (Music)
Joseph 'Joe' Alston Jones, III
Ellen 'Joyce' Jordan (Jordan)
Linda 'Anne' Jordan (Sledge)
Dorothy Annette King (Tucker)
Glenna Louise Landrum (Shadix)
Jackie Charles Lanier
John 'Perry' Leavell, Jr.
Patricia Ann 'Pat' Lively (Harr…)
Leonard Allen Lovins
Harris Edward Mann
Mary 'Pauline' Martin (Thr…)
Norma Harriet Martin (Stucki)
Margaret LaNelle McLarty (Milam)
Mary 'Carolyn' Meadows (Bryan)
Barbara Ann Morris (Kilpatrick)
John 'Harold' Morris
John 'Johnny' William Mo…
Walter 'Kenneth' Neal
Jacob A. New, Jr.
Carol Annette Newman (McCoy)
William 'Marvin' Osb…
Sarah Ann Otwell (Williams)
Patricia Mae Parr (Thomas)
Ronald Berlon Patterson
Dean Lavena Petitt (Fowler)
Jimmy Wayne Pilgrim
Ronnie Layne Popham
Carol Prince (Stephens)
Mary Doris Prince (Camp)
James Edward 'Eddie'…
Sarah 'Martha' Rawlins (Smith)
Shirley Jean Redding (Woodham)
Betty Jean Seymour (Woodall)
Patricia Ann Shackeford (Cauble)
Arthur 'Floyd' Shadix
Charles "Virlyn" Shadix
Quinton Ray Shadix
Nancy Ruth Sibley (Henderson)
Carol 'Jeanne' Sims (Brumlow)
Myra Joan Smith (Wade)
Randall D. Smith
Charles "Charlie" He…
John W. Strickland
Laurence 'Buford' Strick…
Louie Sherman Strick…
Meredith 'Rita' Tant (Todd)
Leon Taylor
William B. Taylor
Lavonda Thomason (Strickland)
Kenneth D. Treadwell
Helen Louise Tyson (Weems)
James Leo Vaughan
Joel Vaughan
Betty Monteen Waits (Newman)
Barbara Elizabeth Waldrop
Frank Odell Ward
Esma 'Estelle' Weathington
Andrew Jackson Wellham
Dorothy Janette Wiggley (M…)
Shirley Joyce Williams (Or…)
Clarence 'Doyce' Wood
Douglas Lee Wright
Barbara Carolyn York (Cooley)
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