Douglas County
High School
- Douglasville, GA
Classes of 1889 - 2012
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Class 1946 Basketball
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Class 1946 Football
Class 1946 Photos
Class 1946 Reunions
Mac 'Claude' Abercro…
Annah Camilla Aderhold (Cobb)
Betty Ruth Bennett (Morris)
Jesse McKinley Brawner
Peggy Sue Brown (Helton)
Linnie Wood Burnette (Andrews)
Charles 'Donald' Camp
Elsie Mae Camp (Pinyan)
Lois Camp (Henry)
Mattie Marie Camp (Webb)
Norma Winnell Camp (Abernathy)
Ruby Arelia Cansler (Plowman)
Thomas Welborn Coffee
Frances Maureen "Frankie…
Sara Jeanette Collins (New…)
Douglas William Daniell
Henrietta 'Penelope' Dic…
Charles Louis 'Charl…
Joe Brown Duren
Larry 'Van' Duren, Sr.
Dorothy Leola Eason
Charlaine Beatrice Echols
James Roy Entrekin, Jr.
Ruth Evans (Fretwell)
Fred Warren Feltman
Juanita Marselle Fountain
Virginia Fountain
Sara 'Ellen' Friddell (Norton)
Virginia Gable (Dearing)
Alice 'Cordelia' Garner (S…)
Mary Frances Gaston (Lowery)
Herschel 'Huey' Gibson
Virginia 'Dean' Gresham (M…)
Theressa Hill
Robey Lee Hood
Dorothy Jane Hopper
William Curtis 'Bill…
Oliver 'Thad' Hudson
Ellie 'Anne' Huey
Sara Hunter
Mildred James (Dukes)
Henley Garfield Jeffers,…
Jack R. Kirkley
Wayne H. Ledbetter
Alton Lewis Lee
Manson Lewis Lee
Ralph Milton Lee
Huelon E. Little
Bernice Marie Mattox (Petitt)
Helen 'Jeanette' Maxwell
Dewey Cofield 'Jack' McK…
William A. McLauchlin
Joan Merritt (Tidwell)
Margaret Naomi Miller
Frank Eugene Mitchell
Eddie Morgan
James 'Ralph' Morris
Marvin Morris
Robert Edward "Bobby…
Bobbie Mozley (Blair)
Ethel Mozley
Thomas Watson Payne,…
Claudia Pritchett
Marion Hamilton Queen
Clovis Eugene Ray
Robert Benjamin Rooks
Minnie Lee Rowland
Josephine Shadix (Hunter)
PfC Wesley F. Smith
Marie A. Stovall (Prickett…)
Betty Ruth Strawn (Langley…)
Arnold 'Roy' Strickland
Siboney Lethield Str…
Hester 'Helen' Thomas (Morris)
Marvin Tyson
Dorothy Weathington (Cooke)
Weyman White
James Cleveland Whitworth
Morris Nelson Williams
Patricia Williams
Clemit Victor Williams, Sr.
Ima L. Wilson (Waldrop)
Frank Harvey Wright
Johnnie Yancey (Coffee)
Max Langston Yancey
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