Douglas County
High School
- Douglasville, GA
Classes of 1889 - 2012
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Class 1944 Basketball
Class 1944 Docohan
Class 1944 Photos
Class 1944 Reunions
Annie Carolyn Aiken
Betty Albertson (Mayfield)
Amy Barfield (Fuquea)
Dorothy Bennett (Padgett)
Robert B. 'Buster' B…
Roy C. Black
Amos V. Bragg
Bettye Bullock (White)
Marianna Burt (1944 Senior Mascot)
Evelyn Pearl Camp (Jackson)
Thelma "Honey" Camp (Kirkland)
Savilla Mae Couch (Smith)
Charlotte Crumbley (Jarrett)
Horace Darnell, Jr.
James Cannon Deal, Jr.
Charles Eugene Dicki…
William 'Glenn' Dorris, Jr.
Denmon Dukes
Verdine M. Duren
Jacqueline Garrett Harrell
Bobbie Nell Graham
Mabel Elizabeth Gresham (C…)
Eugene Hall
Ruby Cornelia Hallman (Cowles)
Stanley Keith Hansard
Edward Earl Harden
Geraldine Holland
Jean Larue Holland (Walton)
Belle Holloway (Meadows)
Nelle Holloway (Pitts)
Carolyn Huey (Ramsey)
Joe Henry Huey
Mable Jacobs
Melba Rena Jacobs (Sudduth)
Charles Thad Kilgore…
Thomas Garrett Langl…
James Edgar Leach
Edna Lee (Smith)
Maurice Lee
Etta Kate Little (Eskew)
Eleanor Lowery
Helen Elizabeth Lowery (Ch…)
Billie McDaniel
Lucille McKelvey (Fouts)
Natalee McLarty
Thomas Stanley Miller
Alice Moore
Thelma Louise Morris (Washburn)
James Edward Mozley
Martha Nell Mozley (Johnson)
Freda Beatrice Noles (Jerkins)
William Bennett 'Bil…
Dallie Mae Payne (Mitchell)
Billie Kathryn Ralls
Douglas Warren Rice
Robert 'Norman' Roper
Hasie Shadix
Sara Geraldine Shadix (Queen)
Nathan Bedford Simmons
William Howell 'Bill…
Virginia Strickland (Coffee)
Robert 'Bob' M. Styles
Geraldine Thomas
Leonard Thomas
Robert 'Bob' Millard…
Mildred Ann Thompson
Raymond Emmett "Ray"…
Melba Todd (Davison)
George Lee Turner (E…
Robert Waverly "Bob"…
Emma Frances Waldrop (Pool)
Clarence 'Ray' Weath…
Weydell Whitworth
Fannie Irene Willoughby (Pike)
Helen Willoughby (Thomas)
Floy Frances "Floosie" W…
Billie Yancey
Marilyn Yancey (Homan)
Sue Young
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